A Solstice Invitation

There isn’t a lot of certainty to hold onto right now. It’s possible that your holiday plans have been turned on their head. Maybe you are reading this from your bedroom as you self-isolate or from a testing centre where you wait for your number to be called. Perhaps your family is far away and you’re worried about them. Maybe you are overwhelmed by the suffering of so many.

Even when there is so much that is out of our control, the Earth still has her rhythms. And those cycles can give us hope.

Today is the Winter Solstice, a day I find far more meaningful and powerful than New Year’s Day. I want to mark this day and offer you something that might help wherever you are and whatever you’re going through.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the darkest day of the year. Every day of the next six months will be incrementally brighter and longer. The sun doesn’t magically come to full strength; we still have months of winter, but the turn has been made.

This day is the Earth’s powerful reminder that there are cycles in nature and therefore humankind; nothing stays static. This light will eventually wake animals who are hibernating and ignite seeds to burst from the ground.

The light is returning. And it has the power to bring dormant things to life. 

What will you use the light for? What are you growing, or what do you want to grow, over these next six months? 

Today, I will light a candle and write my own answer to these questions. I invite you to join me!

Here’s a hopeful song called “Light” to accompany you.